Inner Game, Personality

How Can YOU “Be” Attractive – Read This Equation!

Okay, before we get started, let me just tell you frankly.

If you look attractive, then you are atrractive.But, if you do NOT look attractive, it doesn’t mean you are not attractive. 

Everyone is attractive to a certain level, but those who have the thinking that they’re falling short on the attractiveness level, this post is written for them. 😉

Attractiveness = Confidence + Smile + Excluding Unattractiveness

#1: Confidence


In a nutshell, you can be confident by feeling good about yourself.

  • Work out and,
  • Healthy diet…

…makes you feel good. And feeling good equals being confident.

Read These:

#2: Smile


Studies prove that “smiling is beneficial everywhere” unless you overdo it.  When you smile, you throw a feel good party in your brain. Your brain releases chemicals that makes you “feel good”, which takes us back to #1.

Besides, if you smile, the person next to you also gets a “feel good” liquid in his/her goddamn brain.

But, since mortals are crazy beings, they think that YOU are making them feel good. (Which, in fact, you are!) Their brains get fuzzed up in the process, and as a side effect, you become attractive. 😀

#3: Excluding Unattractiveness


Got an unattractive body? Work out.

Got an unattractive skin? Drink water.

Got an unattractive face? Read the previous two tips.

Got a goddamn unattractive shit? Make that shit attractive.

And also, as a BONUS TIP, learn how to be interesting, as it will increase your attractiveness.


15 thoughts on “How Can YOU “Be” Attractive – Read This Equation!”

  1. Moin!

    Ich mache mir im Augenblick Gedanken darüber, was für ein Diätmittel von Interesse wäre.
    Alles, was ich bis jetzt ausprobiert habe, war vollkommen unwirksam.
    Könnt ihr mir schildern, was ich nun zu beachten habe?
    Ich halte nichts von solchen Zaubermitteln, die vieles versprechen, jedoch
    nur wenig halten. Es kann doch nicht sein, dass es Millionen von Mitteln auf dem Markt gibt, aber nicht eins, das ernsthaft hilft.

    Für Unterstützung wäre ich äußerst dankbar

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen
    Uta http://xn—-9sbeid4cgu7b.xn--p1ai/index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id=115732


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